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Vaibhav Gupta

Web Developer, Mern Developer, Flutter Developer, Competitive Coder

What I do

My Passion

Web Development

I am familiar with many Web Technologies Including Mern Stack and many frameworks like django...

Cross Platform App Developement

For building Cross Platfrom apps for Android and IOS I use Flutter as my Teck Stack

Competitive Coding

Competitive Coding is my Favourite E-Sport

My Journey

How I Started Learning Programming

May 2021 - July2021

Internship At Acciojob

My First Internship in a Tech Startup

I had been intern at Acciojob in a two month internship where I build two assignment, organize 4 coding contest and build a FAANG PLEDGE Certification Website.

April 2021 - May 2021

D_CODER Website

Full Stack Website

D_CODER website was my first team project with . We have implemented a complete user friendly environment on the website along with an integerated admin panel D_CODER

2021 March

First Website


In march 2021, me along with some of my batch mates decide to help people suffering from COVID-19 and I have build a website for them FACVASS_ORG

Late 2020 - early 2021

Start Learning

Fall In Love With Code

This was the time when I started diving into the ocean of codes. I had started learning competitive programming, Web Development, Android Developement along with some frameworks

2018 - 2020

Opted Computer Science by Chance

Code First Time

My by chance taken decision became my passion. During these 2 years of my life I learned my first Programming language, Python with some basic concepts and learn logic building

What I Use

Technologies I am Familiar With


I use HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT as my first web Technologies to build websites and with the help of this I building FACVASS_ORG


I leant MERN while working in a team project and build something amazing D_CODER


Being from a Python backgroud Django make me feel comfortable and it is easy to use.


Git is the most important tool now for me for my Developement


Flutter is as intersting tool building cross platform and that why I choose Flutter.

My Portfolio

My Projects